This feature allows you to create and save several “Snapshots” of the current project.
Before creating a snapshot, you should create a snapshot type. Types are used for organising snapshots with different purposes, example weekly backups, Project state at end/start of a phase etc.
The snapshot will make a copy of the following:
- Journal: as JSON, all Journal views as Excel, CSV and PDF
- Properties: Properties as XML and CSV
- Documents: Documents + spec structure as JSON (the ../descrpsion.jon call), All documents as PDF and docx. Subfolder named “HTML versions” with sub-suc folders with document names, containg HTML exports of the specs (named as specs)
- Objects: CSV exports of alle gropuped object views and object views.
- Setup: Project settings as XML, Collaborators as JSON, Rules of measurement as csv, model_containers as JSON,
After creation, the user is allowed to download all of these as a zip file.
From the web GUI and in the ZIP file, there will be a “Version.log” file listing the time the time the snapshot was taken, along with all the files included in the Snapshot.